Complex IT Outsource

What was the problem?

A leading provider of premium finance products was seeking to replace it’s inhouse core lending software with a modern platform.

The Client was anticipating significant organic and M&A led growth. Due to this they required the new core lending software to be implemented ahead of the expected upturn in demand.

The Hanya way. . .

  • Given our significant subject matter expertise for the procurement of core banking software, we were able to work with the client to identify their need for a modern cloud-based, API-first, thin-core (“Fintech”) type solution.

  • We were able to leverage our experience and contacts to support the Client in rapidly shortlisting 3 potential solutions

  • Using our collaborative methodology, we were able to accelerate sourcing and selection process, while building strong relationships and a deep understanding of chosen solution.

  • Once again, we were able leverage our experience to facilitate negotiation of the complex contract suite in “record time”.

And the Results…?

  • The Client was able to source, complete due diligence, and contract for their preferred solution on time and too plan.

  • The chosen solution had the lowest total cost of ownership, while delivering the greatest match against the requirements and the most rigorous set of service levels and KPIs.

  • Rigorous negotiations ensured commercial certainty for the term of the agreement and protection beyond.