Public Sector Strategic Supplier Improvement

What was the problem?

Fledging relationship was running into troubled waters

The early stages of the outsource had exposed some significant delivery deadline challenges and trust had begun to falter between the department and their supplier.

With a very aggressive roll-out of service to multiple agencies in plan for the year ahead, it was critical to realign the joint venture team around priorities and any remedial actions required.

The Hanya way. . .

  • We got them working together rather than apart

  • The Hanya team implemented a short, intensive process to get the relationship back on track including:

  • Joint sponsorship for the exercise between the government department and outsourcer

  • An interview programme with stakeholders generated key themes, culminating in a workshop

And the Results…?

Real trust and actions emerged. Results secured:

  • Clear alignment between parties that had not existed before

  • Joint ownership of the plan going forward

  • Significantly increased openness to discuss difficult topics

  • Dismantling of parallel PMO and development of a new unified governance function.