Contact Centre Outsource

What was the problem?

A large life and pensions provider was struggling to maintain the high levels of customer service it prided itself on, due to a capacity constrained contact centre.

Having sought to increase capacity through recruitment, it was determined third-party support would be required.

With the tax year end just a matter of months away, an outsourced contract centre provider needed to be sourced and operational quickly.

The Hanya way. . .

  • With our knowledge of the contact centre and BPO marketplace, we were able to develop a shortlist of qualified providers to engage in the sourcing process.

  • Leveraging our toolkits were able to work with the Client to rapidly develop the tender documentation.

  • Using our collaborative methodology, we were able to accelerate sourcing and selection process.

And the Results…?

Real trust and actions emerged. Results secured:

  • The Client identified a preferred Vendor within 7 weeks of Hanya being engaged.

  • Our collaborative approach ensured a clear alignment on objectives and ways-of-working.

  • Rigorous negotiations ensured commercial certainty for the term of the agreement and protection beyond.