Establishing a Procurement Function

What was the problem?

Our Client had significant third-party spend, regulatory and industry obligations, and supply chain risks which could impact the operational effectiveness of the organisation should they materialise but did not have a formal Procurement and Supplier Management function to manage necessary supply chain activities.

The Hanya way. . .

  • We completed an extensive supply chain maturity assessment, interviewing 18 business leaders from across the Client’s organisation, identifying how supply chain activities are currently conducted, and capturing any key organisational requirements for a future Procurement and Supplier Management function.

  • Using our extensive experience of establishing and transforming supply chain functions, we developed a gap analysis and a plan for delivering the required policy, process and assets.

  • Leveraging our toolkits we worked with stakeholders across the business to develop the necessary policies, process and assets; ensuring they covered the appropriate sourcing, due diligence, contracting and supplier management requirements, and that all were aligned to regulatory and industry best practice.

And the Results…?

  • Once the team members had been recruited a rapid deployment of the deliverables was possible.

  • Strong relationships were built across the organisation so that there was broad receptiveness to the implementation of the new policy, process and assets.

  • The new Procurement and Supplier Management function was able to evidence an improved supply chain control environment.